8 Dimensions of Wellness
Your health and wellness are influenced by much more than your diet and exercise routine. Wellness is your overall well-being. The 8 Dimensions of Wellness consider all the aspects of your life that influence and affect you and your optimal wellness. These eight dimensions are interconnected and co-dependent; imbalance in one causes imbalance in others. Here at The Peaceful Frog, we take a holistic approach to helping you regain balance, providing the support and guidance you need to become a happier and healthier you.
Holistic Health & Wellness Coaching
Healthy Herbal bar
Breathing Techniques
Where do you fall on the Wellness Continuum?
When we think of good health or wellness, we often view it as the absence of illness or disease. However, the reality is much more dynamic. Our health and wellness are constantly shifting, and this change can be influenced positively through self-awareness, education, support, and growth. The Wellness Continuum, a visual representation of this dynamic, is not a fixed point but a journey that may inspire you to make choices that propel you toward the optimal health and overall wellness you deserve.
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What Our Clients Say!
Diet advised is very healthy & also easy to follow. Their expert knowledge with their friendly nature earned my trust. Not only has my skin improved but I also managed to lose weight. Many thanks to team.
Amelie John
Home MakerI have lost the weight I struggled with, I feel fitter and I'm getting the right fuel for my body every day. Your team personalized nutrition plan help me improve my daily diet plan and my habit.
Sara Tailor
Business WomanI'm following a diet for sports from the past 4 months. I was lacking the stamina and was getting tired early. But now, I feel more energetic with my new sports nutrition plan & happy with the results.
Jhon Marthin
Keeping your body in our yoga classes.
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